A number of prominent universities have installed DCC Waterbeds for their cow comfort and farm management benefits. If you would like to reach out to any of the schools' dairy science departments, please let us know. 

  • University of Wisconsin - Platteville

  • North Central Tech

  • University of Missouri

  • Michigan State University

  • Purdue University

  • University of Kentucky

  • Eastern Kentucky University

  • Delaware Valley College (PA)

  • University of Maryland

  • University of Guelph (ON, Canada) 



After months of rigorous testing, DCC Waterbeds were awarded the DLG Technology and Farm Input Test Center’s DLG APPROVED seal for performance in cow comfort in 2016 and again, with an updated report, in 2020. The DLG delivers top-quality performance testing methodology recognized and trusted by the agriculture industry in Europe.

We’re happy to send you the full report, please contact us.


On Par with Sand Bedding

DCC Waterbeds protect the hocks. Ask any producer with DCC Waterbeds, or look at the research. DCC Waterbeds protect the hocks at a level on par with sand bedding. DCC Waterbeds float the cows’ pressure points, promote strong circulation to the udder and legs, and ensure consistent comfort every minute of every day.

Keeping Somatic Cell Count LOW

Connecting milk production with bedding type can be difficult as herds all produce at different levels based on their age, nutrition, genetics, and other factors. What we do know is the rubber surface of DCC Waterbeds helps prevent the growth of bacteria. This leads to reduced mastitis rates and a consistently low SCC. Low mastitis and low SCC indicate high milk quality and premiums you can count on. 

Culling Voluntarily Means More Control

DCC Waterbeds combine healthy cows, as evidenced by demonstrated low cull rates, as well as more 3+ lactation cows than rubber-filled mattresses and sand in this 2007 study. The longer you can keep a mature cow healthy, the stronger your milk production will be. 

Keeping Cows Healthier Longer

A strong indicator that a herd is at peak health can be pared down to just one metric: age. A herd of mature cows (4+ lactations) means more milk, more profits, and indicates herd health. Producers with DCC Waterbeds have the choice to cull cows when they want to, and not because they have to.


Fulwider, Wendy (2007). “Effect of stall base type on herd health, costs, and producer satisfaction.” Journal of Dairy Science.  // Organic Valley Stall Base Bulletin (2009) 

Additional Resources

Colorado State University Research

While Dr. Wendy Fulwider studied under world-renowned researcher and animal welfare expert, Dr. Temple Grandin, her research on cow comfort was published in the Journal of Dairy Science.

  • Published in the Journal of Dairy Science: “Influence of Free-Stall Base on Tarsal Joint Lesions & Hygiene in Dairy Cows,” (Fulwider, 2007) Article here:

  • “Effect of Stall Base Type on Herd Health, Costs, and Producer Satisfaction,” (Fulwider, 2007) Article found here:

  • “Effect of Stall Base Type on Dairy Cow Herd Health, Costs, Producer Satisfaction, Lameness, and Leg Lesions,“ (Fulwider, 2007) Article found here:

Cool in summer, warm in winter

We find DCC Waterbeds are 5-10F degrees cooler than sand, manure solids, and other mattresses in hot weather.